Los Angeles and SoCal

What Is Kambo?

Kambo is a secretion extracted from the back and legs of the Giant Monkey tree frog that lives natively in the Amazon Jungle. Once collected it is applied to the body via small burn holes where it can enter the lymphatic system and begin to cleanse you–physically, emotionally and mentally. It has been used by indigenous tribes for thousands of years for hunting, to heal physical ailments and lift heavy dense energetic blocks referred to as ‘panema.’ We are grateful it’s reach has expanded out of the jungle and into the city. The frog is not harmed during the process and a great amount of reverence and care goes into handling and extracting the medicine. 

The Science

Are you curious to learn more about Kambo and the science behind it?. For decades scientists have been studying the different bioactive peptides found in the secretion of Kambo frog and the many benefits of working with Kambo continue to be revealed. We have compiled a great resource with the latest scientific research for you to dive in and learn more about this potent medicine.


Current Month

Kambo Mini Doc

Filmed during our Kambo immersion training in Peru by Martej Starkov in 2017, this video features our trainers, myself and other trainees as well as a little insight about the experience.

Kambo may help if you experience...



Immune Health issues

Chronic Pain


Poor circulation


Lyme Disease


Substance Abuse

Ceremony Preparation

Before working with Kambo it is important that you are fully aware of the risks and contraindications of this powerful substance. Kambo can be an intense and beautiful experience and we like to make sure you are fully prepared. It is non-psychoactive, meaning there is no psychedelic qualities yet it’s a full body, visceral experience often culminating with a relieving purge.  For the full ceremony preparation and Kambo information please download the two PDF files on the right. 

  • Set an Intention
  • Clean up diet 3-5 days prior
  • Prepare yourself mentally
  • Movement and breath work

Contraindications with Kambo...

Low blood pressure

Heart conditions or meds

Preciously had a stroke

Recent major surgery

Breast feeding

Brain hemorrhage

Blood clots


Immune suppressants 



Group Session


Weekly sessions with no more than 5 participants are deeply healing. 9am-2pm and the ceremony includes intention setting, kambo experience, crystal sound bath, organic soup and sharing circle. The bonds created in these sessions are like no other.



Booking a private is a great way experience Kambo if you would like undivided attention plus all the benefits of a group session. 

3 session in a lunar cycle


We have found that doing three sessions within a lunar cycle allows access to deeper healing. One session can be extremely beneficial however it’s often just scratching the surface. If you can, we recommend working with Kambo three times within a 30-40 day period to get the maximum benefits. 



Born and raised in a Kundalini yoga community, Siri has been connected to spirituality and yogic traditions his whole life. In his early twenties he was introduced to plant medicine and it’s healing aspects on the mind and body. Siri and Kamala have been leading donation based yoga classes together since 2010 and that have developed into the widely popular Yoga Galactica practice. In the summer of 2017, Siri travelled to the jungles of Peru to study deeply with the healing aspects of the Kambo frog. It is with great humility and reverence that he is able to offer these services to the community.


Kamala was born in Monterey, Ca and at a young age moved to a small town outside of Eugene, Oregon. She was raised with her siblings in nature on her family’s 11 acres of land. She has always been drawn to the healing arts and participated in many ceremonies as a young child. She is one of the original teachers of the popular Runyon Canyon Yoga–a donation based yoga service in the heart of Hollywood–since 2001. In 2017 she became Reiki certified and has been incorporating that powerful energy into all of her ceremonies and practices. She brings a loving and nurturing energy to the Kambo experience.

The Ceremony

We strive to create a deeply nurturing and safe space for you to experience Kambo. The sessions take place in our beautiful ceremony space called The Space Shift. Our sessions generally start at 10am as it’s necessary to fast from food for up to 12 hours and that’s much easier to do as you sleep. Upon arrival the flow of the session looks like this:

  • Arrival and Greeting with sage/palo santo smudging
  • Oracle card reading
  • Short meditation and movement
  • Sharing intentions
  • Hapay offering
  • Participants receive Kambo one at a time
  • Deeply relaxing sound bath
  • Close ceremony
  • Delicious soup served in the Garden

We work with each participant one at a time during your Kambo experience.  We have found this very helpful to keep you focused and we are right there to help you. For your first time, we offer between 2-5  Kambo dots depending on your sensitivity. We never push or require you to do a certain amount rather we come up with “dose” that is appropriate for you. The Kambo we use comes straight from the jungle in Peru and is sustainably harvested by the Matses tribe members. 

Kambo Naturista Training

If you’re looking to deepen your connection with the frog in it’s native environment then Kambo Naturista, led by Deyan Gaian Mana and Arnoud Tognazzi, is the way to go.   Located in Peru, just outside of the town Iquitos, is the community of Arco Iris. Set on 80 hectares of preserved jungle land, KN is a shamanic and holistic community of like minded individuals working with master plants and reconnecting with the land. We are truly grateful for their service and if you’re feeling called on this path we encourage you to visit them.

Sapo Sanctuary

Giving back to the Frogs and the Land

10% of Every session

helps to fund a sanctuary for the Frogs

Kambo has had such a positive impact on our lives and as well as the lives of our beloved community, it is the highest priority to give back and make sure the frogs and their natural habitat will thrive for generations to come. As Kambo gets more popular around the world the practice of extracting the secretion is becoming less sacred and even harmful in some cases. Sapo sanctuary is a project that is centered around the care of the frog and the land. 

Kambo Shift Testimonials

  • I had the most incredible Kambo experiences with Siri and Kamala. I could not have possibly imagined a more conducive environment and atmosphere created by these 2 wonderful and lovely beings. Their depth of knowledge and expertise and their immense support and dedication toward each person individually has been really touching to witness. I deeply encourage anyone who is motivated to heal whether it is on a physical, emotional, mental or energetic level to do Kambo.

    Jarka Kristinova
  • Kamala and Siri hold space in such a graceful and gentle, yet strong and supportive way. Everything about the ceremony was beautiful. They are amazing facilitators- they fully explained the process and sat with each individual during their healing. I felt very safe and secure throughout! The sound bath afterward was also a perfect way to integrate back to the present moment. I am incredibly grateful and feel so blessed to have found this healing, and to have experienced it with them!

    Tara Jager
  • I feel so amazing since I sat with you in Kambô ceremony last week!
    It’s the most grounded, calm, centered, focused, productive, clear, energized and just overwhelmingly happy any Kambô treatment has ever left me.
    Such a powerful sense of well being has come over me and I wanted to express my deepest gratitude for your medicine, Siri, for Kambô and the beautiful healing space you and Kamala have created at The Space Shift.

    Aerin Stack
  • Kamala and Siri are both excellent facilitators/guides/helpers. They put in the extra loving work to create a healing space that is welcoming to all. Sitting with them for a Kambo experience is a healing and transformative opportunity. They are both knowledgable and compassionate in their fields of expertise and offering. I very happily recommend them as top-notch Kambo practitioners.

    Benjamin Meyers

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